I’m not sure whether to be really impressed or really disappointed. Here is the good part: The amount of creativity in Second Life is constantly improving. More and more we are seeing some very innovative designs considering the current technical limitations. Here is the troubling part: We’ve seen most of this stuff time and time […]

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Some things just shouldn’t have sequels – especially one off commercials and viral videos that really make you smile the first time you see them (and the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, …. :). However they lose something in the translation once they start to be serialized. To a large extent I think this has to do […]

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As a Government there are a ton of little things that can be done in an economy that don’t involve increases in taxation. Simply the threat of imposed legislation is usually enough to spur large corporations to actions. And while the immediate threat knee jerk reaction is to claim foul, the end results can be […]

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