I don’t know what is worse. The political correctness of today’s culture that requires people to apologize for things done in the distant past or people who actually apologize for these things. There are two different aspects to this problem that bother me Different Time – Different World View If a decision outcome would be […]

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We welcome change and openness; for we believe that freedom and security go together, that the advance of human liberty can only strengthen the cause of world peace. There is one sign the Americans can make that would be unmistakable, that would advance dramatically the cause of freedom and peace. President Trump, if you seek […]

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Robert Cordray published an interesting little piece about the implications of autonomous vehicles on insurance companies (see full article here). To be honest I really think he has it wrong. The fact insurance companies may need to change their risk and pricing models really should be the last thing anyone is worrying about at this […]

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In approaching the crossroads of knowledge, there is an important pre-conception that both teacher and student must understand. That is, the difference between ‘out of the box’ thinking and ‘boxed-in’ thinking is all about how we approach the box and its surroundings. Creative and critical thinking is partly based on the socialization of masks that […]

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A recent CNN article questions the place of humans in a universe in which consciousness has nothing to do with intelligence. That is, should machines that can emulate high intelligence through raw computation power be considered conscious? Does consciousness impart some magical property that is more competitively advantageous compared to the machines that we create? […]

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Learning is not a right to be taken or given by institutions but an inherent physical attribute of what makes us human. Like any muscle it must be exercised in order to provide the widest range of options when our lives come to the myriad of crossroads we all journey through. The learned person, who […]

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