Ah yes – after a few weeks of doing the holidaze thing I finally came back to check on comments and to make a new blog post and what do my wondering eyes do appear but 550 spam messages awaiting moderation. Note to Spammers: What part of ALL COMMENTS ARE MODERATED are you failing to […]

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The last week has seen a rash of new articles by various news sources on the benefits of stem cell research. While not all countries have had an outright ban on research in this area some countries such as the United States have put in place severe restrictions which limit the amount of research that […]

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I’m not a fan of President George W. Bush. I really haven’t been since his first election win in 2000 when the politics surrounding the election essentially stole that election from Al Gore. However history is something that happens around you whether you want it to happen or not. There are some things you just […]

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Warren Buffett has provided an interesting proposal for the use of the Treasury moneys just recently passed by the US Congress and Senate. According to Buffett, allow people who do have funds available to invest to put up a 20% equity stake in the purchasing distressed assets with the Treasury providing the other 80%. In this […]

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CNN reports today about NASA’s mid-life crisis and the agency having lost its way. In truth I feel that the lack of vision is not characteristic of a failure on NASA’s part to develop strategic policy but rather a lack of vision on the part of America‘s top administration to recognize the value such contribution […]

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