Markus Becker summarizes a number of points of view as to the conflicted relationship between science and religion as part of his recent article “Has Darwin Failed?” Becker notes that while modern day religions still try to establish themselves as the sole source of ‘truth’ within religious ideologies, science itself doesn’t hold all the answers. The […]

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So we are now on the path to creating our own little Jurassic park. Apparently custom ordered Woolly Mammoths are just around the corner. What is equally as interesting is that DNA from dinosaurs are also starting to be found albeit in small fragments that also show promise for cloning. What this potentially does is put […]

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So I am listening to CBC radio today very briefly in the car and they have some speaker on Ontario Today who is advocating a whole series of social reforms from increasing the minimum wage to benefits for contract employees and a host of other social programs. On the right side of the fence we […]

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Right now there is a war brewing in your backyard. You may not be aware of it. You may not even realize that you are a part of it. But it is there. A grassroots movement which threatens the fabric of governments, businesses, human liberties, and the very nature of how we view our social […]

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